Planning a Weekend Getaway

Planning a weekend getaway can be fun and exciting for everyone. As my wife would say, “It’s an opportunity to get grounded,” but for me, it’s time to turn off my brain for a couple of days.

Planning such a quick trip still needs planning ahead of time. Your RV doesn’t care if it is a two- or three-day trip or six weeks; its prep and maintenance needs are the same. More on that on my next blog.

A good idea for such a short trip, plan your activities, unless of course you just want to “vegetate” for a couple of days, other wise plan ahead. Do you want to do some fishing, or visit the sites in the local community? Does the park have any events? I’m sure there is plenty to do if you look around.

A word to the wise… do not plan a weekend getaway that takes you twice as long to get there and back vs. the time you are staying. A few years ago, we wanted to take a quick trip to Rockport, Texas, where we currently live. We wanted to stay for a day and a half. The only flaw to this plan was that we lived in Fort Worth at the time, and the round-trip would have been over 12 hours! A third of our time was spent on the road. Ridiculous. We did it anyway and never repeated the same mistake again. If you want a couple of full days, keep your travel time down to less than two or three hours away. This will give you plenty of time to chill and relax. I suppose if you live in the middle of the desert, that might not be an option.

RV Parks have become very popular, and I guarantee there is one nearby. Go to our website, check out our RV listings for either Upper, Lower or Middle coast options. I am certain you will find a park that fits your needs and travel time. KOA is always a good option. There is an abundance of Texas State Parks sprawled out all over our great state, so, enjoy a quick weekend getaway and relax.

Until next time…Happy RV’ing!



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